we meet again. talk thoroughly
your eyes, deep and deeper (lookatme)
I don't want to sleep
because I don't know whether you are still in Jokja
" eh nonton the truman show.."
" jim carey bagus di situ."
12:34 and that weird make a wish
how cute. life is full of dejavu. life is an ice cube, and
you are that popsicle. kamu tidak pernah pay attention pada detil tapi maafkan
aku atas itu. bukankah aku tidak pernah lupa warna sepatu sola 17thn ke
belakang. that navy navy blue makes me blue
and you,
I wish I were some litre of bourbon in your blood
jika ada ratusan ribu tahun
pernah kita berpisah di antara ada dan tak ada I once told
you about that deux ex machina on that aeschylus right?
and I choose wisely to lean my head on that steering wheel
observing the foggy cloud. this is jokteng wetan by the way
"kupikir kamu akan lebih keren dengan menjadi dirimu
"maksudnya aku sekarang sedang menjadi orang
tapi aku tahu aku tidak pernah mencintai orang lain
pada suatu saat kuharap
kamu tak perlu pergi lagi.
bull that loguelogue sunter ngalor sedikit ketemu pom worry
me. so
let's tacco beer avocado press and kiss
with me as long as forever
safe travel!